ChatGPT prompt for language feedback: Improve your speaking on your own

ChatGPT prompt for language feedback

Need corrections and suggestions on how you speak?
Get instant language feedback anytime, anywhere—no need to rely on others!

This custom ChatGPT prompt is for you!
Why you need language feedback

Getting constructive feedback is crucial for for improving your language skills. With the right feedback, you can:

Stay Motivated: Celebrate your progress with positive reinforcement.

Identify Mistakes: Understand what areas need improvement.

Receive Guidance: Get advice on how to sound more natural.

How this ChatGPT prompt for language feedback helps you
Sign up to get access to a custom ChatGPT prompt for valuable feedback on your voice recordings. 

In addition, you’ll get my newsletter, “Learn, Live, Love English!”  In my emails, you’ll get:

  • English-learning resources and event notifications.
  • Practical tips to enhance your language skills.
  • Regularly read short and useful emails in simple English.
How this ChatGPT prompt works
  1. Record Your Voice: Talk for 2-3 minutes or answer common questions or prompts.
  2. Create a Transcript: Use Telegram Premium or an external app like Notta to transcribe your recording.
  3. Get Feedback with ChatGPT: Submit your transcript using the ChatGPT prompt I designed for my students.
Improve your English speaking skills with ChatGPT
Enter your email below, and I’ll send you a link to my custom ChatGPT prompt!
ChatGPT prompt for language feedback: Improve your speaking on your own