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The Christmas Chronicles movie quiz
Are you ready to test your knowledge about the world of "Christmas Chronicles"?
Peter and Margaret Jackson
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Why did Teddy lose his Christmas spirit?
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His father passed away
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsHe had a fight with his sister
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Opening presents early
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What does Kate and Teddy try to do initially in the movie?
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Catch Santa Claus
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsEscape from Santa Claus
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsCapture Santa Claus on camera
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How did Kate convince Teddy to help her with Santa?
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She convinced him that Santa could grant their wishes
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsShe promised to destroy the tape of him stealing a car
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What happened when Kate and Teddy followed Santa onto the roof?
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They hid in his sleigh
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He wanted to teach them the true meaning of Christmas
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsHe lost his hat and couldn't move quickly without it
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What did Teddy suggest they do to escape the police?
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Steal a car
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsApologize to the officers
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How did Santa convince Officer Poveda to let him go?
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He revealed Officer Poveda's secret wish
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsHe sang a Christmas song with the inmates
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How did Teddy see his father again at the end of the movie?
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In a dream
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