Tania in childhood

Chasing Dreams: Childhood Aspirations to Teaching Success

Discover how childhood dreams of adventure led me to teaching. Explore the reasons why teaching became my passion and the career I love today.

I remember wanting to be an astronaut, then – a firefighter, then – just a hero 😂 (reading too much Fenimore Cooper and Jack London will do that to you).

In middle school, I was going to become a doctor (mom’s influence), later – an international reporter.

I failed to pursue any of these career paths, which I don’t regret.
I don’t really want to be in space. I admire firefighters (at least, in TV series), but I am no firefighter, at heart.

I wouldn’t make a good doctor: I faint when I see blood, I don’t like taking care of the sick, and I am a hypochondriac myself.

I probably wanted to become an international reporter in order to leave the village and see places I hadn’t seen. But, in reality, I feel stressed when I travel, and I wouldn’t do that all the time.

I enrolled at a pedagogical university because I didn’t have a choice at that moment.
But it turned out to be exactly what I needed.


1) satisfies my curiosity and need to learn,
2) lets me help others,
3) enables me present the information in a way that makes it sink in
4) it’s rewarding to see and hear the results of my work,
5) it’s just fun to talk to interesting driven people.

I am not rescuing or saving lives like a firefighter or doctor. But I help someone to feel more confident, achieve goals, and change their life for the better.

What did you want to become when you grew up? Did you follow the career path you dreamed of?

What are the 3 reasons why you love what you do?⠀

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Chasing Dreams: Childhood Aspirations to Teaching Success
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