Movie club for learners of English:

“fun to watch, easy to discuss”
Experience native English through watching movies
and connect with others with our movie club
You’re learning English, but always feel like it’s not good enough?

Welcome to our movie club, where you don’t have to stress about your English.

In our club, you can enjoy the conversation after you enjoyed the movie.

It’s informal.
It’s simple.
It’s fun.

Join our movie club to surround yourself with good English and good people.

What is English speaking movie club “Watch Your English”?

Our club is like a private (and exclusive) party for learners of English who love a great movie.

And you’re invited!

We’ll meet online once a month to talk about the movie we’ve all watched.

You can share impressions, and discuss the questions you’ve received beforehand.
Online movie discussions for English learners
Imagine being so involved in a discussion about an interesting movie that you forget that you’re speaking English.
“For people who like deeper conversations and who want to push themselves”
Movie club for learners of English
Thought-provoking movie questions make the movie easier to grasp and remember for me. It is another, deeper way to enjoy a movie.

It is also an improvement of myself, because I get better at thinking, analyzing, expressing my ideas in English.

I think this club is for movie lovers, for sure – but mainly for people who like deeper conversations and who want to push themselves a bit.

Who is the movie club for?

learners of English who want to “spice up” their usual learning routine
any learners who need speaking practice without judgement and stress
movie fans who are looking for company to discuss movies (including native speakers and ESL teachers)
anyone who’s interested in working with me and wants to see me “live”

It’s NOT for you if

you’re looking for explanations and feedback
your level is beginner or elementary
you’re too shy to share your opinion even to friendly people
you don’t watch movies
“Inspired morning is guaranteed”
With Tanya’s movie club, inspired weekend mornings are guaranteed.

Watching movies in the original (even if you don’t understand everything) and then discussing them is a real pleasure!

Join the “Watch Your English” movie club

You will get:
announcements about movie club meetings
recommendations on cool movies and TV series to watch
advice on how to improve your language with movies
Sign up now and get free access!

How does movie club work?

Sign up below
Sign up in the form below and you’ll get a confirmation email. Make sure you provide the correct email address.
Get the updates about the movie
I’ll send you a few emails related to the movie club: upcoming movies, movie questions, interesting facts about the movie etc.
These short emails will help you keep your English in shape and will remind you about learning and speaking opportunities. You can unsubscribe anytime.
Want to discuss it with us? Show up and enjoy
If you watched the movie and would like to discuss it, you use a magic link I send before the movie club meeting and join us online. Feel free to share your impressions, opinions and answer the questions about the movie.
“It’s not scary … we are all learning”
Testimonial about the course, Olesia
A conversation club is not scary. Conversations take place in a friendly and comfortable atmosphere. There is no fear that I’ll say something wrong, because we are all learning.


Can I have a look behind the scenes?
If you need to know more, or want a demo, write me an email and ask for it – it’s doable.
Who organizes and hosts this club?
I’ve been teaching English for more than 20 years, including 3 universities. The the last 6 years I’ve been teaching exclusively online.
I organized a free speaking club 2 years ago, and enjoyed helping learners gain confidence discussing things that matter to them in English, and our movie club is a great framework for that
“Get a chance to discuss interesting topics”
For me it’s a way to practice and maintain my spoken English, and to talk about the topics I don’t get a chance to discuss in daily life.