ways to practice speaking without partners

Creative ways to practice speaking English without speaking partners

Exploring the intricacies of the English language can be exciting, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. For many adult learners of English at the intermediate level, one of the biggest hurdles is improving their speaking skills. Juggling work, family, and other duties can make it hard to find time to practice English. But with some creativity and determination, you can improve your speaking skills even with a busy schedule.

Here are some creative ways to overcome obstacles and improve skills.

A voice journal

A voice journal is a powerful tool for boosting your speaking skills. Using an application like OneNote, begin narrating your daily experiences: what happened, who you talked to and what about; how you felt and why, what you found out, liked, didn’t like etc.

The app’s dictation feature transcribes your spoken words into text, enabling you to effortlessly record your reflections.

Speaking out your thoughts not only helps you understand yourself better but also gives you a chance to develop your speaking skills, improve and expand your vocabulary and get rid of mistakes.

Here’s how I recommend doing it:

  • Create a page in Onenote for each new day. Click the Dictation button and start talking spontaneously. You’ll see text appearing on the screen. If you want, you can add punctuation after you’ve finished speaking.
  • If the app writes a word that is different from what you said, you might have mispronounced it. Check the pronunciation of the word in the dictionary or translator app and try saying the sentence with this word again. Is it recognized correctly now?
  • Once a week, use ChatGPT to review and improve your voice journal entries. It will help you notice your mistakes and eliminate them. This AI-powered tool can gives you feedback and helpful suggestions.

Do this every day, or for at least 30 days, and you’ll see noticeable improvement in your English.

Answer Questions Out Loud

When it comes to getting better at speaking, one helpful technique you’ll find very useful is talking out loud to answer questions. This helps you improve how quickly you can respond and how clearly you can explain your thoughts and ideas.

A good way to make this a habit in your daily routine is to look for interesting questions online and speak your answers out loud. It can be a fun way to challenge yourself and get better at speaking.

By doing this regularly, you’ll notice a big difference in how well you can express yourself smoothly and clearly. It can make you more confident in how you communicate and better at thinking quickly when you’re asked something unexpected.

Also, answering questions out loud can really boost your overall speaking skills. By practicing speaking your thoughts, you’re going to get better at sharing information well in different social and work situations.

Describe what you see

One way you can practice your English speaking skills is by talking about the things around you. By describing objects, you can review which words you know and which you still need to master.

For instance, when you walk in the park, you describe the trees and animals you see and talk about what is happening. This not only helps you with English but also lets you enjoy nature more.

By doing this often, your English will get better and you’ll feel more confident talking to others.

Be the Main Character

Imagine you are the main character of your own life story (which is true). Every moment in your life is a chance for excitement and personal development. As the main character, you have the ability to control your story and turn each day into a chapter worth celebrating.

Think of yourself not as a regular person you are, but as the hero – your ideal self – by facing challenges bravely and with determination. Just like the main character in a book, you deal with obstacles, learn from your experiences, and come out of them stronger and wiser. Whether it’s handling a difficult project at work or getting past a personal difficulty, you remind yourself that you are strong and resourceful enough to overcome any challenge that you encounter.

Teach after Learning

Learning something new can be both exciting and challenging. When you understand a new word, phrase, or grammar rule, it’s time to explain it to an imaginary student (for example, your younger brother). This will help you remember what you’ve learned and understand it better.

Explaining new ideas to your imaginary student makes you break down complex ideas into simple terms. It makes you think about the idea from different angles and think about possible questions. Also, when you teach as if you’re talking to someone else, you can find any parts you don’t understand completely. It helps you get better at explaining things clearly, as well.

This practice can help you communicate better and feel more confident using English.

Think, Plan, Reflect

Developing a habit of thinking in English happens gradually, usually as a result of reading in English a lot (which was my case) and listening or watching native speakers speak English.

It may feel challenging at first, but with consistent practice, it becomes easier over time.

  • Set aside time to think in English daily
  • Describe 3 things you plan to do today (in English)
  • At the end of the day, say out loud which tasks you’ve accomplished, and which you haven’t, and why.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can enhance your English language skills and become more confident in using the language in various situations.

Retell This

Retelling news, gossip, or book/movie plots is a great way to improve your speaking skills. It helps you practice expressing your thoughts clearly and enhances your storytelling abilities. By explaining the information in your own words, you can challenge yourself to think creatively and improve your spoken language skills. Practice consistently to improve your speaking skills by articulating detailed and engaging stories or news articles.

Give a Mini Speech

If you want to get better at speaking in public, one good way is to give a short speech to your web-camera. This simple practice can really help you become a better speaker overall.

First of all, speaking in front of a computer lets you pretend you have an audience. It’s not exactly the same as speaking in front of real people, but it can create a bit of pressure that resembles a real speaking situation. Later, this will help you feel more at ease when speaking in front of others.

Another good thing about speaking into your web-camera is that you can record yourself. When you record your speech, you can see where you need to improve. Watch for things like which words you didn’t know, your tone of voice, how fast or slow you speak, and how clearly you talk. These observations can help you find areas where you can do better.

Remember, the more you practice, the more sure you’ll be in your speaking skills. Every mini speech is a chance to work on your skills and become a more interesting and effective speaker.


In enhancing your speaking skills, don’t let the absence of a conversation partner hinder your progress. Use different techniques like voice journal or recording your mini-speach for later review.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can boost your confidence and clarity in expressing yourself. Consistent practice is key to significant improvement over time, making speaking exercises a part of your daily routine.

Embrace mistakes as opportunities for learning and refinement rather than becoming discouraged by errors or speech stumbles. Each mistake presents a chance for growth, so approach them with a positive mindset to further enhance your speaking skills effectively.

Practice consistently using creative methods, step out of your comfort zone, and embrace mistakes to enhance your speaking skills without a partner.

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Creative ways to practice speaking English without speaking partners
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